NEWS Patient Information

Beinlängendifferenz – Therapieindikationen und -strategien

Breast Implants: Reports of Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Various Lymphomas in Capsule Around Implants (FDA)

Court orders TÜV to pay damages in breast implant scandal

Dental implants in patients with diabetes

Electromagnetic interference of active heart rhythm implants in everyday life and at work

Endoprosthetics and sports: What is possible, what makes sense, what is taboo?

Experts for secure health data exchange

FDA: Known risk of lymphoma from breast implants

Germany: Health insurance fund does not have to pay for breast augmentation for psychological reasons

Heart pacemakers and defibrillators often not affected by electromagnetic fields in everyday life

High-power chargers for electric vehicles are safe for patients with pacemakers and defibrillators 

How the EU Commission nationalizes health data

implant files: what you should know about

Implants: When technology makes sense – quite literally

Independent Patient advice Germany (UPD) sees signs of excessive use of dental implants for elderly

Leg length discrepancy—treatment indications and strategies

organ donor card

Patient Dissatisfaction Following Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review of the Literature

Patients of faulty hip implants can seek damages

Plastic Surgeon Must Pay $5 Million for Illegally Restricting Negative Reviews

Readability and topics of the German Health Web

Reorientation of independent patient counseling in Germany

Satisfaction with Total Knee Prosthesis (german)

Sport and total joint arthroplasty

The doctor-patient relationship and the commercial use of health data in the EU

Tips for Clinicians – Keeping Your Patients’ Connected Medical Devices Safe

Total Hip Arthroplasty or Hemiarthroplasty for Hip Fracture

What you should know about “implant files” (german)

WHO statements for Oral Health