Who we are

corporate governance

IMPLANT-REGISTER/implantwiki® cares for independent survey on what may be placed in human bodies. Patient focus, independence and transparency are our top priorities. This concerns manufacturer, seller, distributor, politics, universities, scientists, lobbyists, government and whoever may have special interests.

We regard the choice of an implant and the processing of it as one element of medical advice or treatment. Information on implants never works as the only basis for medical decisions. We respect so far individual medical decisions, depending on many particular information and consideration.

The quality of our work complies highest demands. These are imperative basis of our work, for the durability of our effort and for the benefit of patients and doctors.

Medicine and its specialization are developing fast. One individuum is not able to cover all fields with the necessary routine. We help all participating in a system. We work for attendances, also for the marginal problems.

The conflicts between medical, economic and social political fields sometimes may complicate reasonable discussion. IMPLANT-REGISTER/implantwiki® may help with facts only. All presentations are made according to the same and comparable principles. Advertising only takes place on product pages and is marked accordingly. We don´t accept general sponsoring, but we gladly accept donations. We accept comments and statements only on a scientific and comprehensible basis and we are open to critics. IMPLANT-REGISTER/implantwiki® strictly is nongovernment.

However, the surgeon usually may need more informations than presented in IMPLANT-REGISTER/implantwiki®.

We endeavor the use of technics and materials under ecological basics.

The quality of our work depends much from our knowledge. That´s why we are obliged to continuous education and control of our listings.

Implantwiki, Berlin, Germany
ISBN 978-3-00-052349-6
Jan 2014 – Jan 2024