NEWS on skeletal system implants (ORTHOPAEDICS)
Proprioception from a neurally controlled lower-extremity prosthesis
Although there have been many attempts to create human-mechatronic interactions, there is still no robust, repeatable methodology to reflect proprioceptive information from a synthetic device onto the nervous system. To address this shortcoming, we present an agonist-antagonist myoneural interface (AMI). The AMI is composed of (i) a surgical construct...
Satisfaction with Total Knee Prosthesis (german)
Satisfaction with Knee-TEP depends mostly from expectations, grade of functional improvement and pain course. Roland Fath Laut einem systematischen Literatur-Review mit Daten von 2005 bis 2016 hängt die Zufriedenheit von Patienten mit Knie-TEP in erster Linie von den Erwartungen vor dem Eingriff, vom Ausmaß der Funktionsverbesserung und dem Schmerzverlauf ab...
Custom-milled individual allogeneic bone grafts for alveolar cleft osteoplasty – A technical note
Surgeons from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich, Germany, showcase in this technical note the successful repair of an alveolar cleft using maxgraft® bonebuilder, an individualized allogeneic bone graft, in a 36-year old female patient with a 6-month-follow up showing good bony integration. Otto S et al. Today, bone grafts from...
Wait time for hip fracture surgery – association
Association Between Wait Time and 30-Day Mortality in Adults Undergoing Hip Fracture Surgery D Pincus et al. Among adults undergoing hip fracture surgery, increased wait time was associated with a greater risk of 30-day mortality and other complications. A wait time of 24 hours may represent a threshold defining higher...
Genium knee joint – insurance (german)
Krankenkasse muss Kosten für Genium-Kniegelenk tragen Hessisches Landessozialgericht Das LSG Darmstadt hat entschieden, dass ein 82-jähriger Versicherter einen Anspruch auf eine Versorgung mit einem Genium-Kniegelenk anstelle mit einem C-Leg-Beinprothesensystem haben kann, wenn ihm das kostenaufwändigere Hilfsmittel einen wesentlichen Gebrauchsvorteil im Vergleich zur kostengünstigeren Alternative bieten kann, den er auch tatsächlich...
Samara University presents anatomically adapted implants
Samara University presents anatomically adapted implants made by selective laser fusion technology Samara University, Russia, 443086 Samara, Presented were anatomically adapted endoprosthesis of pelvic ring bones and cervival spine vertebra Presentation at the iENA, Nurembeg, GERMANY 2017
Use of Collagen, PTFE and PRF Membranes in Bone Reconstruction
Use of Collagen, PTFE and PRF Membranes in Bone Reconstruction an Experimental and Histomorphometric Study Neculae et al. In the present study it can be noted that bone regeneration differs depending on the type of barrier membranes used. There is an advantage of collagen membranes compared to non-resorbable d-PTFE membranes....
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