NEWS on general implant topics

Consent for chip implants in the population increases


How long does a hip replacement last?


Organs in miniature format


Wi-Fi-band wireless energy harvesting


Satisfaction with Total Knee Prosthesis (german)

Satisfaction with Knee-TEP depends mostly from expectations, grade of functional improvement and pain course. Roland Fath Laut einem systematischen Literatur-Review mit Daten von 2005 bis 2016 hängt die Zufriedenheit von Patienten mit Knie-TEP in erster Linie von den Erwartungen vor dem Eingriff, vom Ausmaß der Funktionsverbesserung und dem Schmerzverlauf ab...

Wait time for hip fracture surgery – association

Association Between Wait Time and 30-Day Mortality in Adults Undergoing Hip Fracture Surgery D Pincus et al. Among adults undergoing hip fracture surgery, increased wait time was associated with a greater risk of 30-day mortality and other complications. A wait time of 24 hours may represent a threshold defining higher...


  The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) presents widely adopted medical device guidelines that are aimed with a keen focus towards risk management. Biocompatibility testing for these devices and device components is addressed by ISO standard 10993. RESINATE 2017 Well-defined material characterization is a fundamental requirement in biocompatibility assessment. This...

Criminals fake implants with 3-D-tools

Darum gefährden 3-D-Drucker unsere Gesundheit Die Welt, Germany Criminals fake implants, protheses and pacemaker with 3-D-tools Carsten Dierig

Depression, Antidepressants, and Bone Health in Older Adults
