Organs in miniature format

Organ-on-a-chip – Organs in miniature format D Heiduk
In vitro processes and animal tests are used to develop new medications and novel therapeutic approaches. However, animal testing raises important ethical concerns. Organ-on-a-chip models promise to be a feasible alternative. In a system the size of a smartphone, organs are connected using artificial circulation.
3D printing technology makes the fabrication of the “organ-on-a-chip” models or chips possible.
The human-on-a-chip or body-on-a-chip is a challenge in organ chip development. This is a patient-specific chip that is virtually a stand-in and duplicate of the human body. The chip combines all of a person’s organs, allowing researchers to check whether a medication helps and how it affects the particular patient. “Our assumption is that future ’chip patients’ can generate meaningful data for the majority of disease patterns and subsequently replace the respective animal experiments,” says Uwe Marx, Head of the  “Multi-Organ-Chip” program at the Technical University of Berlin and founder of TissUse GmbH.
MEDICA Magazin, 01.Feb 2019
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