NEWS on skeletal system implants (ORTHOPAEDICS)

Metal-Specific Biomaterial Accumulation in Human Peri-Implant Bone and Bone Marrow

Metallic implants are frequently used in medicine to support and replace degenerated tissues. Implant loosening due to particle exposure remains a major cause for revision arthroplasty. The exact role of metal debris in sterile peri-implant inflammation is controversial, as it remains unclear whether and how metals chemically alter and potentially...

Leg length discrepancy—treatment indications and strategies


Beinlängendifferenz – Therapieindikationen und -strategien


Self-healing capacity of fiber-reinforced calcium phosphate cements


Defective hip prosthesis: manufacturer must pay damages for pain and suffering


Total alloplastic TMJ replacement (guideline, excerpt, german)


Endoprosthetics: Active role of the patient required


Intelligent implants to monitor and control bone healing


Annual report 2019 of the Endoprostheses Register Germany (EPRD)
