First drug to grow new teeth

A team of scientists led by a Japanese pharmaceutical startup has been working on a drug to stimulate the growth of new teeth in what would be a world-first, aiming to put it on the market by around 2030.

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The team plans to hold a clinical trial for the drug from 2025 for children between 2 and 6 years old with anodontia, who are born without some or all permanent teeth. The children will be injected with one dose to induce teeth growth.

There are also hopes to utilize the drug in the future for adults who have lost teeth due to cavities.

“Missing teeth in a child can affect the development of their jaw bone,” said Katsu Takahashi, co-founder of Toregem Biopharma and head of dentistry and oral surgery at Kitano Hospital in Osaka.

“We hope the drug will serve as a key to solving those problems,” he said.

Author(s) Source
Kyodo the Japan Times Sep 24, 2023
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