NEWS on implant business

Platform for testing, development and approval of cardiovascular implants planned


Eudamed database: Registration as economic operator possible from 01.12.20


How does the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic (COVID-19) affect medical technology? (German original)


The European MDR: Impetus, Impacts, And Current Status


3-D printing market grows by 25 percent annually


Challenges To The Orthopedic Biomaterials Market In 2019


Avoid Compliance & Timeline Risks Whith Medical Device Supplier


Dentalpoint announces partnership with Nobel Biocare Services AG

As of today Dentalpoint AG announces partnership with Nobel Biocare Services AG to offer dental ceramic implants based on the Zeramex® technology.

Implant-Register reached 500 Companies

November 1st, 2017, Implant-Register® (implantwiki®) listed the 500th company dealing with implants