NEWS on ear-nose-throat implants

3D printing for hearing devices

A new generation of optical cochlear implants is expected to improve hearing performance

Auditory brainstem implants – hearing restoration in congenitally deaf children

Auricular prostheses attached to osseointegrated implants

Binaural squelch and head shadow effects in children with unilateral cochlear implants and contralateral hearing aids

Brain stimulation boosts hearing in rats with ear implants

Cochlear implantation – diagnosis, indications, and auditory rehabilitation results

Deaf children learn words faster than hearing children

Fully implantable cochlear implant placed

Germany: Specialty association certifies cochlear implant centers

Hearing Impairment in Old Age – detection, treatment, and associated risks

Hearing Lens developed

Hearing with a Vestibular Implant

Implantable fiber-optic sensing system

Implants: When technology makes sense – quite literally

Inferences and metaphoric comprehension in unilaterally implanted children with adequate formal oral language performance

Locus coeruleus activity improves cochlear implant performance

Optogenetic cochlear implant to improve hearing

Overcoming Addiction for the Sensory Impaired

Pacemaker For Larynx Allows Patients To Breathe Easier

Parameter-Specific Morphing Reveals Contributions of Timbre to the Perception of Vocal Emotions in Cochlear Implant Users

Prevalence of hearing loss
and hearing aid provision in the
Gutenberg Health Study

Sensitive drill for hearing implants

Speaker-independent auditory attention

Temporal Sensitivity Measured Shortly After Cochlear Implantation

Textile replacement for tympanic membrane and hip endoprosthesis

The sensitivity of bone conduction for dental implants

Träger von Cochlea-Implantaten nehmen stimmliche Emotionen schlechter wahr

Treatment of vocal fold bowing using neuromuscular electrical stimulation

White paper for Cochlea Implants (GERMANY)