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product group skeletal system, general
products Cannulated Screws, Full Thread, Self Drilling different specifications
Cannulated Cancellous Screw different specifications
DHS/DCS Compression Screws different specifications
Ga-mma Nail different specifications
Wise-Lock Small Fragment System 3.5mm

product group skeletal system, lower extremity
products femur Austin Moore Hip Prosthesis, Broad Stem, Regular Finish different specifications
Bipolar Hip Prosthesis different specifications
Thompson Hip Prosthesis different specification
4.5mm Broad Dynamic Compression Plate
4.5mm Broad Limited Contact Dynamic Compression Plate
4.5mm Distal Femur Plate
4.5mm Proximal Femur Plate
3.5mm Wise-Lock Paediatric Hip Plate
4.5/5.0mm Wise-Lock Broad Dynamic Compression Plate with LC under cuts
4.5/5.0mm Wise-Lock Condylar Femoral Plate
4.5/5.0mm Wise-Lock Curved Broad Plate
4.5/5.0mm Wise-Lock Distal Femur Plate
4.5/5.0mm Wise-Lock Osteotomy Lateral Distal Femur Plate
4.5/5.0mm Wise-Lock Osteotomy Medial Distal Femur Plate
4.5/5.0mm Wise-Lock Paediatric Hip Plate
4.5/5.0mm Wise-Lock Proximal Femoral Hook Plate
4.5/5.0mm Wise-Lock Proximal Femoral Lateral Plate (Type-II)
4.5/5.0mm Wise-Lock Proximal Femoral Plate
4.5/5.0mm Wise-Lock Trochanter Stabilizing Plate for DHS – Adjustable
4.5mm Semi Tubular Plate
4.5mm “T” Plate
4.5mm “T” Buttress Plate
4.5mm Spoon Plate
4.5mm Cobra Head Plate
4.5mm Reconstruction Plate, Straight
Sherman Plate
95° Wise-Lock DCS Plate
Wise-Lock DHS Plate
135 Dynamic Hip Compression Plate, Short Barrel
135 Jewett Nail Plate
90 Angle Blade Plate for Adults, Displacement
95 Condylar Blade Plate
95 DCS Plate
tibia 3.5mm Cloverleaf Plate
Epiphyseal Plate
4.5 Large Fragment plates
5.0mm Wise-Lock Large Fragment System
fibula 3.5mm Wise-Lock Lateral Distal Fibula Plate
3.5mm Wise-Lock One Third Tubular Plate
3.5mm Wise-Lock Reconstruction Plate
4.5mm Fibular Distal Tibia Plate
3.5mm One Third Tubular Plate
3.5mm Reconstruction Plate, Straight
3.5mm Semi Tubular Plate
Distal Fibular Plate


product group skeletal system, upper extremity
products clavicle 3.5mm Wise-Lock Small Fragment System different specifications
3.5mm Clavicle Hook Plate
humerus 3.5mm Wise-Lock Small Fragment System different specifications
5.0mm Wise-Lock Large Fragment System
3.5mm Hook Plate
3.5mm Cloverleaf Plate
Distal Lateral Humeral Plate
Lecestre Plate – Modified, 2 Head Holes
Proximal Humeral Plate
4.5mm Dynamic Compression Plates different specifications
radius, ulna 3.5mm Wise-Lock Small Fragment System
3.5mm One Third Tubular Plate
3.5mm Semi Tubular Plate
3.5mm Small “T” Plate, Oblique Angled
3.5mm Small “T” Plate, Right Angled, (3 Head Holes)
3.5mm Small Limited Contact Dynamic Compression Plate
Distal Radius Plate
Proximal Ulna Plate
VARIXIS, 2.4mm Two-Column Volar Distal Radius System
hand Wise Lock Modular Hand System 1.5, 2.0, 2.4, 2.7mm

product group skeletal system, spine
products cervical APEX – Cancellous Screws, Self Tapping different sizes
Apex Anterior Cervical Plate System
Knife Cervical Bladed Cage
Cervical Cage
Pallas Low Profile Anterior Cervical Cage
Vertaux Occipital System
thoracic, lumbar Aura Cage (TLIF)
Lumbar Cage (PLIF)
Osteobone Dual Thread Screw
Vertaux 5.5mm Pedicle Screw System
iliac Iliac System
other Mesh Cage

product group skeletal system, maxillofacial
products 1.0mm System 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.4 mm
2.0 & 2.4mm Locking System
IMF & Anchor Screws
Mesh System

directions n/a
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