

Please take into account:
With verdict of May 12th, 1998 the district court Hamburg/Germany has decided that one has if necessary to accept the responsibility for the contents of the interlinked side by the attachment of a link. This only can – so the LG Hamburg – be prevented by it that one particularly dissociates himself from these contents. In our web offer links to other sides are put on the Internet. Applies to all these links: We would like to emphasize particularly that we have no influence on the design and the contents of the interlinked sides. Therefore we particularly hereby dissociate ourselves from all contents of the interlinked sides. This explanation applies to all links released within our sides and to all contents of the sides to which these links lead. The operators of the respective sides act in autonomy and are subject to the respective law of their country.

Originator and characteristic right
All brands and mentioned within the Internet supply and protected by third parties if necessary trademarks are absolutely subject to the regulations of the respectively valid characteristic right and the rights of possession of the respective registered owners.
The copyright for objects published, made by the author, stays alone with the author of the pages. A copy or use of such graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not allowed without express consent of the author.

Petition of a personal or business data
Provided that within the Internet supply there is the possibility for the petition of a personal or business data (electronic mail addresses, names, addresses) the surrender of this data is so carried out on the part of the user on particularly voluntary basis. The claims on all offered services are allowed also without detail of such data or data made anonymous under detail or a pseudonym. The use of the contact data published in the context of the imprint or comparable details like postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers as well as electronic mail addresses by third parties to the consignment of information not requested particularly is not allowed.

We do not take responsibility for contents of external sides.

ISBN 978-3-00-052349-6

reliable: Dr. Dr. med. Peter A. Ehrl (D)
state of giving professional estimate: Germany (D) VAT-ID: DE267390871