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01 application bone conduction implant
02 specific If you have conductive or mixed hearing loss, your outer or middle ear is damaged, and so sounds can’t reach your inner ear effectively. BONEBRIDGE picks up the sounds around you, and then sends them to your inner ear through the bones of your skull, bypassing your damaged outer and middle ears. If you have single-sided deafness, BONEBRIDGE can also be used to pick up sound vibrations on your bad side and send them through to the inner ear on your good side.
For individuals with lasting hearing loss following a middle ear operation, malformations, or generally for conductive hearing loss and mixed hearing loss. It is also an option for individuals with single-sided deafness.
03 company MED EL
04 illustration
05 material n/a
06 approvals X CE-label (MDR 2021) n/a FDA-approval
n/a ISO n/a DIN
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current as of 2022-08-25
unregistered / this page is not approved by the provider / unregistered implants have no professionnal lines or advertising
This “Implant Profile” shows a non-registered implant. This is a most comprehensive description of the important parameters of an implant. Information given here are checked thoroughly by “Implant-Register” and is not approved by the manufacturer/the company. Illustrations refer to the company, if not shown differently. However we can not guarantee for any material or properties. Implants may not be available in all countries. If there are pictures like logos or implants, they are taken from the companies website. The publishing company may inform us to hide them.