TRAUHUI (Jiangsu Trauhui Medical Instrument Co., Ltd.)

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product group skeletal system
products general Comus-Lock metal plate system
upper extremity Comus-Lock elbow solution
Comus-Lock miniplates hand
Comus-Lock shoulder joint solution
lower extremity Comus-Lock femoral solution
Comus-Lock miniplates foot
Comus-Lock tibial solution
spine Camic anterior cervical spine plate fixation system
Camic cervical compression plate system
Carlon Kyphoplasty system
Cellent – posterior spinal fixation system – CSS
Cellent – posterior spinal fixation system – CTS minimally invasive
Ceres – cervical posterior fixation system
Coales Interbodyfusion Cagesystem
Coapt Telescopic Cirpectomy System
Cos-chest rib fixation system
Coumic-cervical posterior laminoplasty system
Interbody fusion-C
Interbody fusion-P
Interbody fusion-T

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