The Registry of Implant-Registries

Here you will find a list of all specific and regional implant registers. Be aware that not all of them are active and inform us if one has been discontinued. The registers are configured very differently (e.g. opt-in, opt-out, login, logout, access, accountability).
If your implant is not covered:
The Implant-Register offers the online registration of implants for patients and for doctors. You may download a printable version for your personal use. There you will also find explanations about your personal benefit.

name (alphabetical order) specialty region active
1 American Joint Replacement Registry AJRR skeletal USA
2 Australian Breast Device Registry breast Australia
3 Australian Orthopaedics Association´s National Joint Replacement Registry (AOANJRR) skeletal Australia
4 AVIATOR / HVS Heart Valve Society cardiovascular USA
5 AWOgyn (discontinued) urogenital Germany
6 Bauchaortenaneurysmen-Register (BAA-Register) cardiovascular Germany
7 Be the match skeletal USA
8 Bone marrow donors worldwide skeletal Global
9 Breast and Cosmetic Implant Registry breast UK
10 Breast Implant Registry breast Australia
11 British bone marrow registry skeletal UK
12 Bröstimplantatregistret of Sweden (BRIMP) breast SWEDEN
13 Canadian Joint Replacement Registry (Canada) (CJRR) skeletal Canada
14 Cochlear® Register  ear USA
15 Czech National Register of Cardiovascular Surgery and Interventions (NRKOI, Czech Republic) cardiovascular Czech
16 Czech National Register of Joint Replacement (NRKN, Czech Republic) skeletal Czech
17 Danish Hip Arthroplasty Register skeletal Denmark
18 Danish Pacemaker and ICD Register DPIR cardiovascular Denmark
19 Danish Registry for Plastic Surgery of the Breast breast Denmark
20 Dental Implant Registries dental Global
21 Dental Implant Registry and Forum dental USA
22 Dental Implant Registry, LLC dental USA
23 Deutsches Aortenklappenregister /German Aortic Valve Registry (GARY) cardiovascular Germany
24 Deutsches Herzschrittmacher- und Defibrillatorregister (German Pacemaker Register) cardiovascular Germany
25 Deutsches Herzinsuffizienz Register (EVIdence based TreAtment – Heart Failure; EVITA HF) cariovascular Germany
26 Deutsches Karotisstent-Register (German Carotid Artery Stent Registry; GeCAS) cardiovascular Germany
27 Deutsches Wirbelsäulen-Register skeletal Germany
28 DGÄP VDÄPC contour Germany
29 Dutch National Breast Implant Registry breast Netherlands
30 Edwards implant patient registry cardiovascular USA
31 Deutsches Endoprothesenregister skeletal Germany
32 Europäisches Register für Patienten mit Kreislaufunterstützungssystemen (European Registry for Patients with Mechanical Circulatory Support; EUROMACS) cardiovascular Europe
33 Eurospine – Spine Tango skeletal Europe
34 Finnish Arthroplasty Register skeletal Finland
35 General Registry of Autologous Fat Transfer (GRAFT) graft USA
36 Hernienregister digestive Germany
37 Histopathologisches Implantatregister pathological Germany
38 Implant-Register general Global
39 Implantable Systems Performance Registry (ISPR) general USA
40 dental Germany
41 Implantatregister Datenerfassung Brustimplantate breast Germany
42 Implantatregister der Medizinprodukte-Betreiberverordnung (Österreich) skeletal Austria
43 International Breast Implant Registry IBIR breast USA
44 International Collaboration of Breast Registry Activities (ICOBRA™) breast Global
45 International Society of Arthroplasty Registeries (ISAR) skeletal Global
46 National joint replacement registry skeletal UK
47 Kaiser Permanente National Implant Registries cardiovascular, skeletal USA
48 Koronarstenosen-Register (German-Austrian-ABSORB RegIsteR; GABI-R) cardiovascular Germany
49 Led International Collaboration of Orthopedic Registries (ICOR) skeletal Global
50 dental Switzerland
51 Medtronic Device Registry cardiovascular Global
52 Motivalmagine breast USA
53 National Breast Implant Registry (NBIR) breast USA
54 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s (NHLBI) Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support [INTERMACS™ ] cardiovascular USA
55 National Hip Recall registry skeletal USA
56 National Implant Registries cardiovascular, skeletal USA
57 National Implant Registry cardiovascular, eye, skeletal USA
58 UK National Joint Registry for England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man skeletal UK
59 National registry for medical implant devices general USA
60 Nordic Arthroplasty Register Association (NARA) skeletal Scandinavia
61 Norwegian Arthroplasty Register skeletal Norway
62 Organ Transplant Association general USA
63 Orthopedic Coordinated Registries Network (Ortho CRN) USA
64 PARENT (PAtient REgistries iNiTiative) general EU
65 Patient Registry and Outcomes For breast Implants and anaplastic large cell Lymphoma (ALCL) etiology and Epidemiology (PROFILE) contour USA
66 Product Surveillance Registry (PSR) general USA
67 Produkt- und Herstellerregister dental Germany
68 Register der Vorhofverschlüsse (Left Atrium Appendage Occluder Register Germany (LAARGE)) cardiovascular Germany
69 Romanian Arthroplasty Register (Romania) skeletal Rumania
70 Schweizerisches Cochlear Register ear Switzer-land
71 Schweizerisches Implantatregister SIRIS skeletal Switzerland
72 Slovak Arthroplasty Register (Slovakia) skeletal Slovakia
73 Spine Tango skeletal Europe
74 Sprunggelenkendoprothesen-Register (DAF-Register) skeletal Germany
75 Swedish Hip Arthroplasty Resgister (Svenska Höftprotesregistret, SKAR, SHAR) skeletal Sweden
76 Swiss Plastic Surgery Register contour Europe
77 UK Heart Valve Registry heart UK