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<the implant>
01 indication for application in fresh extraction sockets, to support the natural healing of the socket
02 specific The spongy structure of collacone® provides an ideal structure for the adhesion of thrombocytes, fibroblasts, and osteoblasts. Fine blood vessels grow into and through the cone; as a result, the preliminary tissue formed in the alveole is supplied with oxygen, nutrients, and the essential signaling molecules, which support its bony regeneration. collacone® application is particularly beneficial in hemostatic compromised patients to prevent postoperative bleeding events.
03 contraindication(s) ◊◊◊◊◊
04 implant description ◊◊◊◊◊
05 specific attributes ◊◊◊◊◊
06 material(s) n/a
07 implant surface spongy structure
08 key literature ◊◊◊◊◊
09 notes about the company n/a


10 approvals X CE-Marking n/a FDA-Approval
n/a ISO n/a DIN
n/a ASTM n/a CDSCO
n/a CFDA n/a Patent
for professionals (for registered companies only)
last update 2021-01-15
non-registered / this page is not approved by the provider
This “Implant Profile” shows a non-registered implant. This is a most comprehensive description of the important parameters of an implant. Information given here are checked thoroughly by “Implant-Register” and is not approved by the manufacturer/the company. Illustrations refer to the company, if not shown differently. However we can not guarantee for any material or properties. If there are pictures like logos or implants, they are taken from the companies website. The publishing company may inform us to hide them. 
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